Sunday, May 26, 2019

Batch of links

- It’s been a while, but I would still love to see Mark Bittman’s proposed nutrition label adopted by everyone, as it is very comprehensive and gives products scores on different scales (nutrition, welfare, and “foodness” or how processed the food is).

- For those of you keeping herbs fresh by placing them in water in your fridge: have you tried the bulb vases from Trader Joe’s? The fluted bottom and size seem to be perfect for the task!

- I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but there is such a thing as banana flour, and I’m really curious to try it.

- Had you heard that bananas ripen more slowly when they’re separated from the bunch? Turns out it’s not true.

- Why bananas (as we know them) might go extinct. (Hint: monoculture, again.)

- Apparently, you can use parsnips instead of bananas in baked goods, and replace bananas with chia seeds to thicken smoothies.

- You can also make a banana glaze for baked goods.

- If you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between black, green, and white cardamom pods, here is the answer.

- And finally, something not food-related (at least, not for grownups!). I’ve heard of the app Doctor on Demand, though I haven’t used it. It appears that it’s treated as in-network with my health insurance, so maybe it would be worth looking into. Anyway, what I wanted to relay is that you can get support from certified lactation consultants on it, which can be so helpful to new moms, especially because breastfeeding problems always seem urgent! I wish I’d had this when the Little Prince was born.

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