Friday, April 22, 2016

Batch of links

- Prince passed away yesterday. I thought it was interesting to see what was in his fridge five years ago. (Interesting, though I’d question his knowledge of yak husbandry…)

- A really interesting article about how “farm-to-table” is usually a lie.

- A look at the history of bagged milk. I’m from Quebec, so this really isn’t weird to me, but apparently others disagree.

- Watch 100 years of family dinners in 3 minutes. I can’t help but notice how green vegetables are a recent apparition on our plates…

- Bon Appétit recently had an article singing the praises of Hillstone Restaurant Group, and I have to admit, it sounds really good! Sadly, there aren’t any near me, but there are recipes available.

- The same issue also mentioned this Oster Versa blender as being able to make nut butter much more easily than its competition, and it’s much cheaper than a Vitamix (though obviously not quite as powerful).

- It looks like Ikea has a really great 3-in-1 cake pan that super affordable. I don’t get to shop there, because the closest Ikea is two hours away, but Ikea is where I got my first chef’s knife and my moule à cake, so I know their kitchen section has some great finds.

- Ikea is also developing biodegradable mushroom-based packaging to replace polystyrene, which is tricky to recycle.

- Researchers think they’ve uncovered a link between the deaths of three US presidents in the 1840s, and it had to do with the water supply. It reminded me of this article on water towers in New York City – pretty horrible!

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