Saturday, July 28, 2012

I'm featured on New Dress A Day!

I’m pinching myself right now. Do any of you remember the post I wrote last year, where I talked about how Marisa Lynch inspired me to upcycle a Salvation Army paisley dress into a shirt? Well, today she’s featured me on New Dress A Day! I’m practically famous! :)

So hello to everyone who’s clicked on the link from her website! I have continued sewing since I made that paisley shirt (see here). I haven’t had the chance to go thrift-store shopping lately, so I haven’t really remade anything wearable (unless you count the time I turned a tank top into a dress by sewing a skirt, or the one I made two tunics out of a bed sheet); the rest I’ve made from scratch. I also knit and I’ve just recently started knitting things for myself. Most of the time, though, I talk about food. I’m lactose-intolerant, so just about all the recipes you’ll see here are lactose-free; there are also tags in the right-hand column if you want to search for recipes that are nut-free (including peanut-free), gluten-free, vegetarian or vegan.

I live in San Antonio, Texas, but I used to live in Montreal, Quebec, and I still visit every year. You’ll find restaurant reviews from both cities, and sometimes a gem or two I found on the road. That’s about it, so I hope you enjoy the site! Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hi! I just wanted to say I visited from the New Dress A Day site. I know I'd want people to let me know. :D Great idea to write a little welcome post!

  2. Hi Jessica! Thank you for visiting - and for commenting. :)

  3. Stopped by from the new dress a day blog! Love your shirt, awesome ideas! Would love to have you stop by my blog sometime too!

  4. Thank you Kristin! I really like the "Little Diva Sleeping" doorknob hanger you made, it's adorable.
